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A curation of 100 ideas in design and technology, aimed to inspired young designers to design for the social good.




Co-led and managed a team of 9 designers to work toward our mission to inspire change since October, 2014. I was responsible for strategic thinking, leading weekly meetings, interaction design, user testing, curating the ideas, editing, and writing.

“Being a designer is also about being a good citizen. What does it mean to be a good citizen? It means caring about what’s going on and taking a role.”   
— Milton Glaser

Designers today are presented with a unique opportunity to move past the visual and commercial and instead contribute to the designist movement and social change.


Through this collection, we aim to help young up-and-coming designers realize their potential to affect change in the world which we live. Together, designers can have a serious global impact on the future of life on this planet.

User Research

100 Smarter Living is targeted towards young designers between the ages of 18-30. At this stage in their career, designers are both young enough to take chances in their design and old enough to know that with an idea, passion, and hard work their design truly can make an impact.

BETA Testing  

INSIGHT: Users prefer to read less text, and instead get their information through image.
The majority of users favored infographics
over photo, icon or text based content.


SOLUTION: To attract user attention, we created exciting headlines, shortened and strengthened the text, designed telegraphic icons and added infographic facts that sought to engage users in a relateable way.

Final Design

Smart Talks  

A series of interviews with designers sharing their stories, thoughts and values for social impact.

Watch Debbie Millman, voice behind the podcast Design Matters, speak about fulfilling a higher purpose in Design through her podcast, the power of self generated work and other values she’s learnt through her illustrious career thus far.

Smart Talks | Debbie Millman

Smart Talks | Debbie Millman

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